Sonic Fiction
An Introduction
Holger Schulze, Sonic Fiction, Bloomsbury Press New York 2020. 192 pages, EUR 17,97.
[after release: an excerpt for free download]
»Sonic fiction is all around. It is malleable and plastic, versatile yet demanding, it questions and attacks your authorship and invented heritage or traditions. It expands beyond belief and imagination what you might tell to yourself or others as your personal intellectual or biographical history. Suddenly, you seem to remember and you seem even to sense the effects of events and encounters that might not have been documented on any of the current surveillance files, stored about you.«
Sonic fiction is everywhere: in conversations about vernacular culture, in music videos, sound art compositions and on record sleeves, in everyday encounters with sonic experiences and in every single piece of writing about sound.
In 1998 music critic, DJ and video essayist Kodwo Eshun proposed this concept in his book “More Brilliant Than The Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fictionâ€. Originally, he did so in order to explicate the manifold connections between Afrofuturism and Techno, connecting them to Jazz, Breakbeat and Electronica. His argument, his narrations and his provocative language operations however inspired researchers, artists, and scholars since then. Sonic Fiction became a myth and a mantra, a keyword and a magical spell.
This book provides a basic introduction to sonic fiction. In six chapters it explicates the inspirations for and the transformations of this concept; it explores applications and extrapolations in sound art and sonic theory, in musicology, epistemology, in critical and politicial theory. Sonic fiction is presented in this book as a heuristic for critique and activism.
»From the divergent auralities at present times and their alien sonic nontologies emerges – through some mixillogics of syrrhesis fiction, incorporating the mythscience of ultrablack resistance – at some point, apparently, the subsequent mutantextures of a decolontological rhythmight and its acid communist sonology«
Table of Content
Extradition What is Sonic Fiction?
A Force of Liberation
Enforced Landianism
More Like A Group Of Otoliths
1. Sonic Thinking: A Mixillogic MythScience of Mutantextures
The Mythscience of Sonic Warfare
The Mixillogics of Sonic Epistemologies
The Mutantextures of Sonic Possible Worlds
What is Sonic Thinking?
2. Social Progress: Sensibilities of the Implex
Dath’s Mixillogics
The Dialectics of the Implex
Valéry’s Sensibilities
Even Wrong Ideas Can Be Made True
3. Black Aurality: Alien Sonic Nontologies
Black Aurality
The Diffraction of Mythscience
Alter Nation, AlterDestiny & Autohistoria
4. Sensory Epistemologies: Syrrhesis and Sensibility
The Body of the Researcher
Syrrhesis Fiction
Beyond the Idiosyncrasy of Logocentrism
Multiplying Epistemologies
5. Acid Communism: A Haunted Utopia of Sound
Anticipation and Compulsion
Ghosts Of Our Times
Theories That Are Embodied
Acid Communism
6. NON: Ultrablack Resistance
Ultrablack Resistance
Inconclusion: Six Heuristics
Sonic Fiction as Activism
Sonic Fiction as Critique
Six Sonic Heuristics